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Navigating Shitstorms

“The ultimate combo of true crime & memoir, self-help & humour.”

Officially released in August 2023, Navigating Shitstorms teaches readers how to battle the destructive voices of Victimtown that control through fear and to, instead, amplify their heart voice, their own source of innate wisdom, to guide them to Freedomville. 

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“This book had a nice balance between an interesting memoir style of writing and more practical implementable information. It was very well organized and easy to read. I liked that it was broken down into parts and within the parts there were short chapters with even shorter sections. I found it easy to keep reading knowing that I wasn’t committing to a big long section each time I chose to keep going.” ~ Vanessa on Goodreads


“As someone who has lived with depression all my life, I was immediately drawn to this book; by title alone. I am always looking for more ways to cope, to preserver and knowledge to share. This book is great at breaking down the many stages/feelings that accompany depression, grief, etc. I loved that it’s in layman’s terms, and the “laugh out loud” experiences Liz has encountered. Thank you again for a wonderful book, that I will be recommending to friends and family.” ~ Lisa P. on Goodreads


“The way Long has crafted this book is the most brilliant and emphatic explanation of our universal life experiences.” ~ Alyssa Twist


“Long has an experience, a voice, a message, and an integrity that offers so much to our fellow human travellers.” ~ Ed Henessee


“Easily relatable without psycho-jargon.” ~ Karen Graham

What’s inside?

Written in Liz’s fresh and relatable voice and interspersed with her funny-not-funny memories, Navigating Shitstorms will take readers on their own personal journey to find their true path and all that they yearn for.
